Femboy Holy Order Rascal

Femboy Holy Order Rascal

In this RPG, 3 Femboys and Shota can be operated, and when you rearrange the parties, the HP gauge will be displayed on the right side of the screen (For details, please check from ◆ Point ☝… below).

It is highly recommended for those who want to see a lot of “I want to operate Femboy!”
And “Scene where Femboy and Shota are being raped / Ecchi between Femboys”!!
In addition, although battle mode and search mode are introduced in this work, it is a low difficulty game so that it will not be difficult to play without being able to clear it.

The player’s HP status is displayed as a standing picture on the right side of the screen except when the forced event is executed.

Received sexual damage from enemy monsters, and as HP decreased, the player’s clothes gradually became lighter, and finally ejaculation …… ♂

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