I am your Guignol

I am your Guignol

That is a source of strife, created by humanity itself.
Mindless puppets with one purpose… slaughter.

At their hands, conflicts intensified.
At their hands, the world went down the path of destruction.

They have no conscious. They do not think.
Just kill, steal, pillage and murder… as commanded.

That chain of strife called further and the world laid in waste.
In the end, humanity finally chose a correct decision…
To seal every single last Guignol and never use them again.

While the threat was no longer, the damage had already been done.
For all that lay before the now open eyes of humanity…
…was a desert of iron and rust… and monstrosities.

Humanities only means of survival, to band together, to gather near
the scarce natural resources which remain. Force in numbers.

and you, our young protagonist, lives in one such place.
In the iron desert town of Elgerita…

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