Sword Princess Sistina

Sword Princess Sistina

1,000 years ago, Demon God Loptr terrorized the world, tormenting and killing millions of humans with his demonic army. Saint Orianne had to call upon all of her power to defeat him, since no one else stood a chance.

Now Loptr has returned, and his first move has already wiped out one of the world’s strongest armies. However, it will be some time before he regains his full strength, so his victory is not yet certain.

Sword Princess Sistina is a fairly sheltered young woman, but her combat skills are first class. She sets out on a journey to discover Loptr’s weakness and prevent his resurrection, together with her childhood friend Luis and his best friend, Rayne. Luis has the knowledge of a scholar, while Rayne’s street smarts are unrivaled.

The three of them will encounter fantastical monsters, religious zealots with their own ideas of how Loptr should be confronted, and other demons who scheme against humanity on their way to fight the Demon God. Through their combined wits and abilities, they must save the Human World or be annihilated by the demons!

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